Rose Tattoo Meaning Self Love . Tattoo number 15 for chiara ferragni was “#beautiful” on the side of her right hand, which she got from dr woo at shamrock social club in october 2014. Rose tattoos can also symbolize faith when combined with things of religious significance.

When beginning to choose a tattoo, some people have a meaning in mind and are looking for a symbol to convey that meaning. Rose showed her love tattoo in 2009 by posting a picture on her official social media account with a caption, “for her…”. A rosebud can signify new and innocent beginnings in your life.
A person who has lost a loved one will often get a black rose tattoo to remember them.
Tattoo designs based on this theme can show the rose in full bloom or as a bud that is about to blossom, or even as a bunch of roses. Orange roses are symbols of passion and creativity. A tattoo is a positive. And while tattoo’s have gotten a bad reputation for many years, it has become more and more acceptable to express oneself with this art of the skin.